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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Make a Change

Please join and help support Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue in getting a permanent home for out 30+ horses.

Please visit this website and join to show your support.

Thank you

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Merchandise Available

L.O.H.R. Merchandise is now available Online. We can also place custom orders on LOHR clothing, by addng your name or a horse's name. If you are interested in custom LOHR clothing please contact Lisa.

For all other inquiries regarding LOHR and our horses please don't hesitate to contact us by phone or by e-mail
Aska, LOHR Director (646)258-2512
Deanna, LOHR President (845)416-8583

Thank you

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

October Newsletter

"New Beginnings"

Sunshine and Summertime

All the kids are back in school and the leaves are starting to turn colors. This summer was full of new beginnings for both people and horses alike at Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue. The rescue has taken this summer to create a new mission statement and creating more public awareness about horses in need and our organization.
Deanna put together yet another successful summer camp where more than 15 children participated in caring for and riding the 32 rescue horses in our care. At camp, the kids are taught not only how to ride, but also how to care for the horses and how to deal with some of the special needs that many rescue horses come with.
The summer culminated with a very successful time for the kids, horses and the organization at the 2008 Dutchess County Fair in Rhinebeck, NY. Cowboy, Tugs, Patches, Cadbury and Ollie all did very well at the horse show throughout the week, and Tiny was a huge hit at the L.O.H.R booth up on 4-H Hill. Thank you to the Un-Whoa-Able 4H Club and Fred Lauf.
From all of us at Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue we would like to thank all of our friends, family and especially parents that helped make this summer so successful and for all of your help at the Dutchess County Fair.
Thank You!

Project Permanent Home

Currently our 32 rescued horses live on a farm that we rent each month. In order to pay for the facilities that provide shelter to our orphans, we have to board other horses. However, by doing so we also limit the amount of time that we can spend with our orphans.
We are asking the community to help us in our search of a permanent home for our orphans.
Without the expense of rent, we will be able to put more time and energy into improving the lives of our orphans and their relationship with their human counterparts.
If anyone is interested in Project Permanent Home, we ask that you contact us to see how you can help.

How to Help

GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!

We have linked ourselves with various online organizations so you can support our Lucky Orphans right from your desk at home or at work. Search the web using Goodsearchor shop online at major stores like bestbuy or amazonby using Igive, which gives us up to 37% of your purchases.
We also collect used ink cartridges, old cell phones, pagers and even your old car that’s been sitting in your back yard for all these years!
If you are a horse owner and you feed Legends, Poulin or Agway grain please clip off the proof of purchase tags and send them to us. And if you feed anything from Lucerne Farms they also donate to us. All of these clippings only benefit non-profits so otherwise you are just throwing away valuable dollars that can be used to support our orphans.
If you enjoy shopping for your horse, and you shop at they will donate 6% of your purchase to us.
Volunteers are always welcome! You can e-mail our president Deanna and set up a time to come and meet our orphans.

Letter from The Director

Happy Fall to everyone! Over the past few months, Lucky Orphans has gone through some necessary changes, but our commitment to our horses has always been our number one priority.
As a Board, the main issue on the table is our search for a permanent home and ensuring that we will be able to provide long-term, quality care for all of our horses.
I spent the last week in August working with the children and horses at the Dutchess County Fair and it was so rewarding to see the culmination of all their efforts come to fruit at this local event. We were successful in spreading public awareness about our organization and we hope through events like this we will increase the amount of support for our horses.
Happy Holidays and a healthy 2009!

Meet the Board Members

Our Board Members are committed to the well-being of the horses and keeping Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue, Inc a place for both humans and horses to come and “escape a while.”
Deanna Mancuso-LaCasse, our President, has been involved with horses for over 20 years. She has worked with rescue horses for the past 10 years and she is committed to bettering the lives of the horses once they come to us. She is also responsible for the management and care of all our orphans. Deanna also organizes our lesson program, which allows children to work with the horses.
Aska Langman, our Director, has been working with horses for the past 12 years and works on public relations for LOHR and training some of the horses.
Lisa Filipponi, our Secretary, has been working with horses for many years. She is enjoying working with Sonny, one of our rescues who is currently being trained.
Dina Fasano has come to us with experience in working with racehorses off the track. This has proved invaluable in retraining some of the horses we have gotten off the race track.

What Our Supporters Have To Say

“These lucky horses have come to a place where they will be safe, well-taken care of, treated humanely and loved by the many adults and children that visit Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue.” -Alyse Masker, Age 12
“ Upon our first visit to the barn, Eric was hooked.  I had explained to him the concept of rescue horses...When he toured the barns and pastures and met the horses, he wanted to know the story behind each horse.  By the end of the afternoon, he had fallen in love over and over again and looked forward to being able to learn to ride.” -Mary Alex, Mother of Eric.
“There is something magical about children and horses. The wide eyed look of wonder as the child touches a horse for the first time and the smile that always seems to follow...I am thankful for their contribution to the community and for having a program where children can grow, learn, develop and become responsible by interacting with horses. Thank you for your compassion for horses and knowing that children are the special magic that make it all work so well together.” -Loretta Pecora, Mother of Julia and Lauren.

Horse of the Month

Maverick is a 14 year old gelding that came to us 4 years ago after his family could no longer afford to keep him.
Maverick’s sweet demeanor and tolerance for children is an invaluable quality when teaching young children how to ride.
In July 2008, Maverick had to go through emergency colic surgery. The decision to go through surgery was made because we have promised our horses a good and healthy life and we have committed ourselves to their well-being.
Maverick is recovering well, but as many horse owners know, his surgery was extensive and expensive.
We are accepting donations to help us offset the veterinary costs that we have incurred from saving our special boy.
Today he is happy, healthy and on the road to a full recovery.

Thank You’s

The work that we do each and everyday for the horses could never be possible without the help from all our family, friends and supporters.
First and foremost, we would like to thank Dr.Hammond of Village Animal Hospital in Millbrook, NY for providing first class veterinary care for all of our horses.
To each of our volunteers: every bucket you help clean, every stall that you help us muck allow our horses to live the life that they deserve.
To the Parents of our human kids: we appreciate all of your support that you provide for your children and for the horses that they love. We appreciate all the time that you put in that helps our organization achieve it’s goals of horses and children working together in harmony.
Thank you to all of our donors that have donated to us. We appreciate every car donated, every dollar sent and every piece of equipment donated. Without donations like yours we wouldn’t be able to feed and provide the care that all horses need.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Mares and Foals Update

This past week our foals, Envy and Cuervo were weaned from there moms. Moms Whiskey and Charisma have adjusted very easily to their foal-free life and the babies are slowly adjusting to making it on their own. Our other horses have stepped in to comfort the foals in this transition time but they have grown more and more confident with their independence as the days have gone on.

These four horses will require a great deal of handling and care in the upcoming months and we are looking for volunteers who are interested in socializing them here at the farm or donors interested in sponsoring any of our horses.

Fall Fundraiser Horse Show

L.O.H.R would like to thank all those who participated in the Fall Fundraiser Horse Show. November 2, 2008 was a beautiful fall day where the kids and their horses rode well and received feedback from Judge Heather Fitzhenry.

We would like to also congratulate Cassandra Weaver on earning a much deserved L.O.H.R sportsmanship/horsemanship award. Cassandra has demonstrated extraordinary horsemanship over the past several months and we thank her for her commitment to all of our horses.